Physician Venting to Physician Collaboration: SERMO Grows Up

Social platforms, both closed and open, enable communication between patients, physicians, researchers, medical professionals, advertisers and marketers. As Community Director Christian Rubio shared with Get Social Health, sometimes all those voices can be a distraction.  SERMO, the largest physician to physician closed platform offers something that is needed, anonymity. The 300,000+ members of SERMO may choose not to identify themselves so they can speak freely to their peers. Indeed, venting was one of the primary reasons for MDs to join SERMO in the early days of the platform. While politics, both internal and external are still discussed, the larger and more critical mission of SERMO has focused on the medicine. From advice sharing to mentoring young doctors, SERMO has hit it’s stride as a vibrant, growing medical community for physicians.

Follow along our conversation as we discuss:

Meet Christian Rubio, Community Director of SERMO

Floating Doctors Panama

Floating Doctors

What is SERMO?
Verified physicians
What kinds of conversations?
Politics and Medicine
What percvent of conversation are clinical?
The Early Days – ranting
How does the platform work?
How do you search for discussions?
Health Hubs
How is content vetted

Floating Doctors

Case examples: Post-natal infection & Black Glaucoma
Marketing SERMO
Member demographics
Past – Present – Future
WorldOne acquisition
Sponsors and Advertising
Site for Nurses?
Social Media Tip: Ron Petrovich, Manager Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media – 60 Second Rule

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